IAPWE: Scam or Not Scam?


Beware, freelance writers, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be

Photo by Natã Figueiredo on Unsplash

I read yet another review on whether IAPWE is a scam or not.

I keep reading these reviews that sit on the fence and make it seem like there is a smidgen of legitimacy to this website operation. I wouldn’t exactly call it an *Organization* as some have referred to it. Just because they came up with some fancy-sounding name doesn’t make it legitimate.

Let me speak from my own experience

On February 18, 2022, I decided to try it out. I signed up.

Six weeks later, I received an email from Amy Wilkerson on March 31, 2022.

The next step was to sign up on Freelancer.com. They try to get you to upgrade to a monthly plan so that you can get paid from IAPWE. Why should you have to sign up on Freelance just to get paid by another company? Doesn’t make sense.

Meanwhile, on IAPWE portal, I selected a project to start with. Followed all the instructions (which are not very clear by the way)and also added images per the instructions.

I waited and waited for a response. Nothing.

So the next time the portal offering was open, I selected another topic.

Followed the same instructions everything to a T.

No response. I emailed them but no response.

I decided it wasn’t a smooth process and canceled my account through Paypal.

What I got to thinking on why it’s a scam is because there is no one who reviews and edits your work. There is no communication.

It feels like stealing. Like they take your work and publish it somewhere without telling you.

Conclusion: Don’t waste your time. It’s BS.



Valerie Delzer - Freelance Writer

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